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JS Day Recife - 2016. Minha visão sobre o evento. O que aprendi codando todo dia nos últimos seis meses. Além das ferramentas e tecnologias. Problemas de paginação no blog com o Jekyll 3. 1 Indicações do semestre 2016. Os 3 melhores materiais que consumi no primeiro semestre. Como foram os 3 primeiros meses.
Belum sempat tertawa tapi selalu tertikam. Apakah yang terjadi sebenarnya? Mungkinkah semua ini fana? Sang Penguasa terus menjawab kesombongan hambaNya. Yang kian hari semakin terlihat kealphaanya. Heydimana letak kewarasan jiwa dan raga. Semua telah hilang ditelan amarah. Yang ada hanyalah resah yang selalu tercurah. Hitungan tahun, bulan, hari, jam, menit, serta detik.
Restaurantul Fenice Palas Iasi imbina cu succes bucatariile de pe coasta mediteraneana, specificul restaurantului putand fi observat de la inceput, prin decorul specific ce contureaza o atmosfera aparte. Terasa de la cel de-al doilea nivel, cu o capacitate de aproximativ 400 de locuri la mese este cea mai mare de acest fel din Iasi, privelistea fiind una deosebita, intreg complexul Palas putand fi admirat in acest fel. Terasa este una somptuasa, deoarece este de fapt, o gradina suspendata.
These events were further exaggerated by the firing of the police personals on the. Life is calling and I am at office! September 8, 2010.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013. Taste of Cyber Crime in Developing Nations - The Ugandan Version. During the online classes on cyber security at Diplo Foundation a lot was discussed about cyber security and cyber crime. At that time most of the discussion points seemed alien to some of us from developing countries, sorry my country Uganda is not a developing nation but an underdeveloped country. Should Uganda become a fertile land for cyber crime? I wou.